


Table of Contents

Pushing to existing repo from other folder
  • Commit messages
  • Git Branch naming

Basic commands

  • GitHub platform for storing , tracking and collaboration ( cloud)
  • git show SHA shows all about that commit
  • git log --oneline shows all the commit logs in on line with short id name
    • git log -n “number” gives that many number of commits
  • git reset filename removes from the staging area
  • git blame shows the history of everything about a file
  • git commit —ammend -m “XYZ”
    • edit the previous commit
  • HEAD is the latest commit thingy
  • Reverting is nothing but putting the HEAD at a certain commit
  • if we do like this then we loose the history like we can go to a particular commit and loose the history
    • git reset --hard sha
  • IF we do reverting then we have a new commit and all the history too
    • git revert id
  • stash your local changes before pulling to your local machine


  • default branch is main aka (master)
  • git log --oneline --graph --all
    • shows graph of branches and merging thingy.
  • creating
    • git branch 'xyz' 'or' git checkout -b "abc" "OR" git switch -c "XYZ" Creates a new branch and switches to it automatically
  • viewing all branches
    • git branch
  • Moving to desired branch
    • git checkout "xyz"
  • pushing
    • git push --set-upstream "xyz"
  • PR
    • Method 1
      • git checkout main git merge origin/xyz git push
    • method 2
      • make a pr in github
      • tofrom
      • Merge it
      • checkout main in CLI
      • pull
  • Naming conventions of branches
    • wip Works in progress; stuff I know won't be finished soon feat Feature I'm adding or expanding bug Bug fix or experiment junk Throwaway branch created to experiment

Rebase vs merging

  • history is maintained in rebse
  • pollutes commit history